Mode of optical fiber communication

Last updated: 1 Jul 2020  |  4554 Views  | 

Mode of optical fiber communication

Fiber-optic communication is lightwave for data communication. It mean that we will convert the data (data that needs to be sent to the destination) and modulation it with the lightwave carrier to send it through medium that to called optical fiber.

The wavelength (λ unit nm) of the carrier which is used to transmit fiber optic cables. It will be from 800nm ​​to 1,600nm. The wavelength is related to the frequency of lightwave (Frequency Wavelength) by

λ = c / f

λ (Lambda) = Wavelength in meters (m) For actual use, we will convert it to nm ("Namo" meters, 10 to the power -9) for ease of use..
c = velocity of light 300,000 meters per second (m / s).
f = frequency, Hz (Hz).
* For the article to be concise and preliminary study. Theories about light will not be discussed here.

This time we look at the practical applications for sending data via lightwave. How is it divided? And what is it?

In general, we will classify the modes for propagation and the types of fiber optics in each modes for

Fiber-Optic which can be taked various modes of lightwave at the same time, also known as Multimode (MM).
Fiber Optic whick cab be taked one mode of lightwave at the same time, also known as Singlemode (SM).

We can transmit data in MM via at 850nm and 1300nm for wavelength. Core / cladding diameter divide to 2 sizes: 50 / 125um and 62.5 / 125um.

For singlemode, we can transmit data at wavelengths of 1310nm, 1490nm and 1550nm. core / cladding is 9 / 125um

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